What is our art criteria?

Our goal is to provide greater exposure opportunities to Christian artists who use their God-given talents to produce works that are explicitly " Christian " or "Biblical" in nature. The artwork overtly shares Christ or moves the viewer to ask for explanation, causing spiritual conversations to ensue. No, Christian art should never simply be utilitarian in nature, and is certainly not limited to being just an evangelistic tool, but Christian artists do have a responsibility to combine emotion and purpose, to create pieces that are "in the world, not of the world." Talents are to be applied specifically for Kingdom work, for the Master's glory. One can argue, of course, that Christian artists are not restricted to subject matter alone and can provide a strong witness regardless of art topic or theme. The vision of this Ministry is to promote and exercise "Creativity for the Creator" in as many art forms as possible.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable... if anything is excellent or praiseworthy... think about such things. Philippians 4:8